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11 ways to deal with stress as a travel nurse

Updated: Jun 1, 2022

Stress! Learn to Let It Go!

"Stress can be Stressful!"

1) Practice deep breathing exercise.

Deep breathing exercises has proven to be an effecting coping skill. It will reduce stress, improve your mood, and allow you to not to hold onto things that are out of your control. There are plenty of resources out there to help you properly find deep breathing exercises. If nothing more, close your eyes, take inhale for a 5 count, and exhale for a 5 count. Then repeat.

2) Be honest

New nurses have a constant need to fit in. Sometimes, that can cloud your judgement in what you know. New nurses can be reluctant to say that they don’t know how to do a specific patient care activity. If you are faced with this situation be honest. Ask your colleague or nurse manager for help. Again, this could be something you speak with your mentor about.

3) Master your skills

The quickest way to feel confident as a nurse is to master your skills. Having this level of confidence will make handling any related task seem like second nature and give you satisfaction in your new role.

4) Eat well-balanced meals

As a nurse, you are always on the go. This makes it easier to neglect eating properly. The key to eat a well-balanced meal is preparation. Make your meals ahead of time. Don’t skip meals. The healthier you can eat will increase your energy and productivity.

5) Get enough sleep

Your body needs time to rest and “re-charge your batteries.” After a busy day of work, getting the proper amount of sleep is a necessity to take on the new day. You will find out that when you neglect sleep that you are not your normal self.

6) Get on an exercise routine

Your schedule might not always allow you to exercise daily. However, it is important that you find time to exercise. Whether that is going to the gym, a run around your neighborhood, or a morning walk, the key is to find something that fits with your schedule. When you find something that fits with your schedule you will find it easier to stick with it.

7) Put stress into perspective

The fact is that you cannot control everything that happens. Focus on what you can control. Don’t stress over things you can’t control. When you put this into perspective you will find that things aren’t as bad as you think.

8) Don’t fight frustration

If you are angry, sad, or having a negative feeling allow yourself time to deal with it. News flash, these feelings are common as a new nurse. Accept and acknowledging your feelings. Don’t deny or try to suppress your feelings. Talk about your feelings. Write how you are feeling. Take time to find a quiet place. Whatever method you choose know that it’s okay to feel upset.

9) Join a committee

This might be one of those things that you roll your eyes when you first read. As a nurse, your days go by fast and time is limited. That is exactly why joining a committee will help you cope as a new nurse. Joining a committee will allow you to make an impact on your facility. You can provide ideas to improve your patient’s needs. Make your voice heard.

10) Over communicate

The more your team knows the better you can support each other. Communicating with your team is a great way to cope with stress as a nurse. A Nursing World article said, “Stress in hospitals is unavoidable. However, it can be managed.” It is managed by communicating. When an open dialogue is fostered, stress levels can decrease.

11) Leave the day with a clear mind

Your days are long and busy. You have accomplished a lot during your day. When the day is done don’t stress over things that weren’t accomplished. You can’t change anything at home. Reflect on your shift, plan out your next day, get a good night sleep, and take on tomorrow. Move on. Otherwise you will carry that un-needed stress the next day.

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