Get connected with the best Agencies
Our goal is to connect RN's and Allied Healthcare professionals with reputable agencies who take care of their Travelers.
Information overload! We want to give our travelers the most info to prepare them for their journey. Our team combined has over 100 years experience in the industry!
How WE Can Help You
Healthcare professionals travel for several reasons. Experience , Adventure, and Money are usually the top 3.
Experience - Build your resume by working in different hospitals and healthcare facilities across the U.S.
Adventure - It's like you are on a vacation while you work. There are mountains to climb, oceans to swim in, and people to meet!
Money - Yes, its a proven fact that Travel Healthcare Professionals make more than staff!
Travel Requirements
Experience requirements are usually set by the hospital. Not the travel agency. Most hospitals do require 2 years of experience in the specialty you are applying for. There are hospitals that require less and some require more.
License, Degree, or Certification for that Specialty. Every Specialty is a little different. Our recruiter can help with the details.
Travelers need an open mind and a sense of Adventure! The more flexible you can be as a first time traveler, the more marketable you become!
How to get started
Getting started is easy! Our recruiter will do most of the work for you! All we need is your name, phone number, email address, and specialty.
Our recruiter will explain and complete the following:
Building your Profile
Explain All Available Positions
Housing and Travel
Pay and Tax Free Stipends
How Travel Works
The Market for a Travel Pro